Actor Training Techniques
Actor Training Techniques
One the first two weeks, we have been continuously doing actor training techniques. We do these to improve our skills, to trust and get to know our peers & to be comfortable with our characters. I have chosen to describe the trust exercises done for the weeks. We spent one lesson on this and it focused on trying our level best to trust our peers. I think this helps an actor develop because all actors need to be comfortable with their cast-mates and slowly trust them. We could develop this technique further by working with a partner that we haven't already ever worked before and add more obstacles in the challenges.
Below shows the 'lean'. Two people rest their hands on each other and try to get their feet as far from the other as possible. It is both unique and helps an actor develop his/her skills
One the first two weeks, we have been continuously doing actor training techniques. We do these to improve our skills, to trust and get to know our peers & to be comfortable with our characters. I have chosen to describe the trust exercises done for the weeks. We spent one lesson on this and it focused on trying our level best to trust our peers. I think this helps an actor develop because all actors need to be comfortable with their cast-mates and slowly trust them. We could develop this technique further by working with a partner that we haven't already ever worked before and add more obstacles in the challenges.
Below shows the 'lean'. Two people rest their hands on each other and try to get their feet as far from the other as possible. It is both unique and helps an actor develop his/her skills
This is basic information but shows you have some understanding of this actor training technique and its benefits. For a higher grade you could have included a more detailed description of how to put this technique into practice. You could also develop your opinion to include more depth or explanation. 5/8 Criteria A