Although your video is a great example of ensemble work and the development of your collaborative skills, you could have included some further information for a higher grade. You could have described your understanding of ensemble performances, or evaluated how successful your group was. 4/8 Criteria B
Drama Assessment - Explorative Strategy Video: In class, we were asked to create a piece that used an explorative strategy. We decided to use two - : Thought tracking : We only used thought tracking for the Maria characters because we wanted to show how the rich 'suffer' and how the poor people of the favelas really do suffer because without connections or family, people don't have anywhere to go. Through thought tracking we were able to emphasize how the favelas are overshadowed by the rich people and how the rich have never known how the poor feel because they are busy worrying about something that is probably a first world problem. For example, not being able to travel with their parents. Meanwhile, the poorer person does not have any parents because they got involved with drug lords which is very common in the favelas. We can see a lot of this in Rio de Janeiro as we saw in the pictures as a class. The rich are treated like royalty and the poor are treat...
16th April 2018 Set Design Set design are traditionally drawn in a bird eye's view. They can be drawn in pencil or online on softwares. To design a set, we need to use the text and the directors vision. we need to take in account the location of the audience and see if props block the views of the audience. All directions about design should be based on the text if there is mentioned information in the playbook. The director gets to interpret the text to create a vision that then becomes the set. He then meets with the other designers and discusses the vision to make it come to life. Directors could also use metaphors on stage. For example, if there are bookshelves falling on top of each other. It could mean the destruction of education or knowledge Scenic Design- - The director must take into account what the place looked like at the time. What forces of weather may have acted on it? What was happening historically at the time? Level of technology? Example, a gove...
Although your video is a great example of ensemble work and the development of your collaborative skills, you could have included some further information for a higher grade. You could have described your understanding of ensemble performances, or evaluated how successful your group was. 4/8 Criteria B