
Showing posts from April, 2018

Lighting Design notes

Lighting design 18th April 2018 Why is lighting important-: - Lighting may be used to highlight or symbolize different objects . Spotlights are effective when symbolizing a particular object. It tells the audience where to focus on the stage.  - The designer gets to create moods or atmospheres based on the color of the lights. For example, blue could symbolize the setting as an ocean or it could symbolize a hospital.  - It has a lot of effect on shadows, which creates suspense and tension.  - It can also determine the time of day and geographical location as well as the location.  Illumination : The simple ability to see what is occurring on the stage. Any lighting design will be ineffective if the audience has to strain to see the characters.  Focus : directing the audience's attention to an area of the stage or distracting them from another.  Mood : Setting the tone of the scene. A harsh red light has a different effect than a soft lavend...

Set Design Notes

16th April 2018 Set Design Set design are traditionally drawn in a bird eye's view. They can be drawn in pencil or online on softwares. To design a set, we need to use the text and the directors vision. we need to take in account the location of the audience and see if props block the views of the audience.  All directions about design should be based on the text if there is mentioned information in the playbook. The director gets to interpret the text to create a vision that then becomes the set. He then meets with the other designers and discusses the vision to make it come to life. Directors could also use metaphors on stage. For example, if there are bookshelves falling on top of each other. It could mean the destruction of education or knowledge Scenic Design- - The director must take into account what the place looked like at the time. What forces of weather may have acted on it? What was happening historically at the time? Level of technology? Example, a gove...

Costume Notes

What is a costume? Costume includes all clothing, underclothing, hairdressing, makeup and accessories, such as hats, scarves, fans, canes, umbrellas and jewelry, worn or carried by each character in a production. The design and appearance of costumes are the province of the costume designer. Normally, there is a team of people that does costume design in a production. There are different costume designs. -: Character- Dictated by specific information in the scropt Decorative- Dictated by the setting and stage. Information provided by clothes Clothes can also be visible clues to the wearers emotional state. For example, the cagebirds production that the year tens did. In addition to psychological clues, clothing can provide a variety of objective information about a person, - Historical period- the shape and silhouette of garments can provide clear indications of their historical period. - Age- In any period, the color style and fit of clothes provide information about the a...