Costume Notes

What is a costume?
Costume includes all clothing, underclothing, hairdressing, makeup and accessories, such as hats, scarves, fans, canes, umbrellas and jewelry, worn or carried by each character in a production. The design and appearance of costumes are the province of the costume designer.

Normally, there is a team of people that does costume design in a production. There are different costume designs. -:
Character- Dictated by specific information in the scropt
Decorative- Dictated by the setting and stage.

Information provided by clothes
Clothes can also be visible clues to the wearers emotional state. For example, the cagebirds production that the year tens did. In addition to psychological clues, clothing can provide a variety of objective information about a person,
- Historical period- the shape and silhouette of garments can provide clear indications of their historical period.

- Age- In any period, the color style and fit of clothes provide information about the age of the wearer. Young people tend to reveal more of their bodies then their elders.

- Gender- Throughout history, with a few exceptions, clothes have almost always clearly indicated the gender of the wearer.

- Socioeconomic status- Ill kept clothes symbolize a lower status. Whereas, beautifully fashioned linens symbolize a higher status.

- Occupation - Clothes can also tell us about a person's job. Uniforms are an obvious indicator.

- Climate and season. - If people are bundled up in a heavy fur coat, it is assumed that the weather is cold. Lighter hues are indicated of warmer weather, while darker hues and heavier fabrics symbolize colder weather.
General considerations for costume design.
The costume designer reads the script provides factual information about period, time, season, climate, gender, age, socioeconomic status, and the relationship among the play.

Period-: Costumes make a statement that visually unifies the historical period, the style of the script and the production concept. The type of play or drama often determines the costumes

Color and fabric- Historical research helps the designer understand the type and color of the fabric

Organisational paperwork

Costume chart- It is used to visually plot what each character wears in each scene in the play. Some costume designers attach color samples to the listing.
Costume list - It specifies every element including accessories and props worn and used by every actor. It was used as a checklist for the costume designer

Visual presentation of the costume design

Costume designers create several types. -:
- Preliminary sketches - The time when the first visible results of the creative process appear on paper. These sketches drawn in pen or pencil are the first tangible results of the synthesis of the costume designer's thoughts, ideas, and research.
- Costume layout -
- final costume


  1. Good summary of today's lesson content and I like that you have enhanced the notes with the images you have chosen. This will prove useful when you complete the director's notebook for your practice e-portfolio. Well done.


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